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Class Schedule


Private Sessions can be scheduled for Personal Training

& Vizziq Gait Training (Certified Vizziq Trainer)


Note ~ Please consult with your Physician before participating in any activities 

Please note - classes vary in 3-6 week sessions


Monday ~ 

NEW FALL 2024 CLASSES September 9th-October 28th 2024

NEW Pietra Fitness Chair Class 2:45pm-3:45pm

Pietra Fitness Class 4:45pm-5:45pm

(for these new classes I am offering your first class complimentary and $15 for each class after per person, please reach out to register if not enough interest classes will not be held)

Explanation of Pietra Fitness: A fitness class that stretches, strengthens and tones the body while refreshing the soul with prayer.  It is a wellness program for those who seek full integration of mind, body, and soul.

People of all beliefs are welcome. 

In only one hour you will feel calmer, stronger, refreshed and renewed.  


Tuesday ~ private sessions - contact to schedule


Thursday ~ private sessions - contact to schedule


​Friday ~

private sessions - contact to schedule


Group Seminar sessions available upon request - contact for details 


Saturday Specialty Classes/Seminars ~ Scheduled upon request



Note ~ Please consult with your Physician before participating in any activities 


© 2015 by Judy's Studio

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