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New at Judy’s Studio








click the vizziq logo above to learn more


New breakthrough technology for body function

and walking better


Do you know what the 6th vital sign is?

Our gait speed!


Recover and restore safely with our patented Vizziq™ Neuromuscular Trainer; a proven mobility device that helps you safely recondition and maintain your natural stride.

This new trainer keeps you on track during your exercise or rehab program whether you use it in its mobility mode as an articulating restorative device, after a medical procedure or incident, or in its stationary mode as a personal exercise station in order to stay strong.

Your advantages when you use the new Vizziq Neuromuscular Trainer:


Restores natural gait and posture

Enhances neuromuscular connections 

Promotes proper spine alignment and gait symmetry

Minimizes pain from over compensating imbalances

Strengthens major muscle groups

Increases user stability and confidence




















Strengthen your muscles

Heighten your focus

Deepen your breathing

Regain your confidence

Live your life


Strengthen your body. Encourage your mind. Regain your balance.

Make your 10,000 steps count







Contact me to schedule training sessions for Vizziq


Contact & schedule your assessment with Judy today

Cost for assessment: $75


Vizziq Training

Recommended at least 20 minutes 3X per week (on your own)

if you would like to do training with Judy - it will be in 1 hour sessions, contact to schedule and see pricing page for cost







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